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How to do a Istikhara

How to do a Istikhara
In every country you can find the Istikhara dua but no one explains how to do it exactly. There is no Hadis explaining how to do it exactly and how many times to read the dua. Only Aulia Allah explain this. 
This is how you do it. Firstly convert your first name into Arabic and the find out the aded (numerical value) of your first name from this website. Please click here or look it up from the main menu. 
Suppose your name is Mohammad and numbers of Mohammad are 92. You will add up all the aded like this 
Hence the aded/numerical value of Mohammad are 2. Mohamad will read the Istikhara dua 2 times.
first do fresh wudu and do 2 rakat Tahayatul Wudu Salah. After salam read 
Darood/salavat 3 times 
then read Surah Fatiha 3 times
then Darood/salavat 3 times.....then 

Do 2 rakat nafal for Itikhara and Istianat( help) from Allah. This is the niyet of the nafal.
In first rakat you will read Surah Kafirun once. In 2nd rakat Surah Ikhlas once.
After salam you will read the Istikhara dua 5 times in total.
In the dua there two places where a word comes ..hazal amre…..when you have read this word you must do a dua like this  
"Ya allah I want to marry Mr / Miss X" 
The word comes twice in each dua. Each time after reading it you must say the above dua in a loud voice. Loud enough that you can hear yourself.
Do not say ….can I marry Mr / Miss X? 
After reading the dua for 5 times. Read Darood/salavat 3 times.
You must do the Istikhara 7 days non stop after any Salah. But once you do it after a certain Salah, do it after every same Salah.
Even if you see a dream just ignore it. DO NOT BELIEVE ANY DREAM.
You must do it 7 days. After 7 days whatever is good for you will happen and if it’s bad for you, you will not do it automatically.  
If for any reason you cannot calculate the numerical value of your name just read istikhara dua 9 times every day. 
Under no circumstances stop doing the Itikhara after you see a dream. You must complete 7 days.

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